Saturday, August 17, 2013

bangkok... wow

We arrived in Bangkok very early in the morning after a red-eye from Stockholm and went directly to a restaurant so Andrew could eat the Pad Thai he had been lusting for over the last couple months. After that we looked for a hotel in the Koh San Road area (not on Koh San Road though, it's a little crazy for us--it's the big backpacker area in Bangkok, and is filled to the brim with street vendors, tattoo shops, food stalls, restaurants blaring techno, and more).

Koh San Road

Maggie had been talking about all the Pad Thai street vendors in the area and they did not let us down. At night it seemed like hundreds of them were on the streets selling the same same, but different Pad Thai as all the others for around 30 Baht (which is around US$1).

Pad Thai street vendor making it right in front of you

Our hotel was fairly standard for the area. The bottom floor was a restaurant / bar with the rooms in the floors above.  And hot water (maybe our last hot water for awhile), all for only 560 Baht a night (about $18).

The restaurant / bar on the bottom floor of our hotel

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