Monday, August 26, 2013

full moon party

One reason we headed to Koh Phangan so quickly is so we could get to Haad Rin a few days before the Full Moon Party (we heard the town's hotels fill up if you get there too close to the party). Even though partying until sun up was not our intended plan, Andrew still wanted to at least go to a Full Moon Party so he could say he's gone. Maggie had already been to one, so it was old hat for her.
We painted ourselves up in neon green paint, purchased a bucket of Thai Whiskey, Coke and Red Bull and headed out to the beach to experience that is the spectacle of the Full Moon Party.

 And it was all the spectacle we expected. Lots of techno music and people partying in bathing suits... or less. Each hotel had their own DJ so as you walked down the beach you were assaulted by many different beats and songs all fighting to be the loudest. We walked up and down the beach a few times, danced a little and did a lot of people watching. On the way to the party we realized that the street vendors had finally come out in Haad Rin (the lack of which had been one of our biggest complaints about the town), so on the way home we sampled a few of their cuisines before heading home at the (for this party, absurdly early) hour of 2:00am.

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